I took part to Tampere Guitar Competition at June 2018, where my guitar was a first price. There were 20 competitors from 10 different countries. 4 competitors made their way to the final and I was very happy that 2 of the 4 finalists played my guitars on the final! Here is a recording from the final round, it is also pretty good opportunity to compare the guitars along with the players.

First competitor is Dora Cserenyec from Hungary with my Triticum cedar double top model. Second competitor is Misael Barraza-Diaz from Mexico with guitar made by Gregory Byers. Third competitor is Otto Kentala from Finland with my Secale double top model. Fourth competitor is Campbell Diamond from Australia with guitar made by Anton Muller.

My Triticum model with spruce top and arctic birch back&sides was a part of the 1st price. The 1st prize winner was Misael Barraza-Diaz, who won also special prize and will record with Alba records.